Building Performance
88 results found for "building-performance"
NewsClinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch has been invited to give the keynote address at the 2019 Licensing Advisors Summit of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) in Minneapolis on August 1-3.
NewsAssistant Professor Sudarshan Krishnan’s students in his class on transformable structures were featured on BTN’s “LiveBIG” in a segment called “How Illinois Is ‘transforming’ Architecture.” Read the article about the course.
NewsIn addition to giving invited talks and workshops in Milan and at the Università degli Studi di Brescia Italy in March 2019, Clinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch will be lecturing three times at the Manchester School of Architecture (MSA) to fifth-year and sixth-year students.
NewsRandy Deutsch’s fourth book in the last eight years, Superusers: Design Technology Specialists and the Future of Practice, has been published by Routledge.
NewsClinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch has been invited by President Robert C. Robbins and Dean Nancy Pollock-Ellwand of the University of Arizona to serve as an inaugural member of the University of Arizona College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture (CAPLA) Futures Council.
NewsIvana Rakshit and Yang Li, both 2018 graduates of the M.Arch program, won the 2018 Award of Honor from the Society of American Registered Architects (SARA).
NewsSrushti Nehete and Shannon Fitzgerald, two Master of Architecture students, were awarded second place in the 2018 Chicago Women in Architecture Scholarship competition.
NewsRandy Deutsch has been invited to give a presentation at a workshop on offsite construction with Katerra at the MADE Expo Trade Fair in Milan, Italy, in March 2019.
NewsYun Kyu Yi’s “QuVue Implementation for Decisions Related to High-Rise Residential Building Layouts” has been published in Building and Environment.
NewsScott Murray has authored a chapter in the new book Modernism and American Mid-20th Century Sacred Architecture, edited by Anat Geva and published this month by Routledge.
NewsStudent work from Assistant Professor Sudarshan Krishnan’s ARCH 536 class is featured in the Daily Illini.
NewsAssociate Director for Graduate Studies Randy Deutsch has been invited to present a keynote presentation and be a panelist at the Fifth International Technical Symposium on the Applications of BIM Technology in Design, Construction, and Real Estate in Beijing, China.
NewsYun Kyu Yi’s QuVue has been trademarked by the U of I Board of Trustees. The tool is for architectural and engineering consulting services to evaluate sky view ratios.
NewsPh.D. candidate Thulasi Ram Khamma (supervised by Professor Mohamed Boubekri) was one of 12 winners nationwide of the International Building Performance Simulation Association Scholarship.
NewsAssociate Director for Graduate Studies Randy Deutsch AIA, LEED AP, will speak at the “Practice: Outside In | Inside Out” symposium at Harvard University.
NewsAssociate Professor Scott Murray is the author of an article titled “Architects and the Cultural Agency of Television: Frank Lloyd Wright on The Mike Wallace Interview” in the latest issue of the journal Thresholds (vol. 46).
NewsRandy Deutsch has been invited by the American Institute of Architects to present “EP4EP: Emerging Professionals for Extended Play” as part of a series targeted to emerging professionals at the 2018 AI Conference on Architecture in New York City on June 23.
NewsAssistant Professor Sudarshan Krishnan and his work on transformable structures are featured in an Illinois News Bureau story.
NewsRandy Deutsch has been selected to participate in the inaugural Scholars in Professional Practice program of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards.
NewsAssociate Professor Scott Murray was invited to lecture at the College of Architecture and Design at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) on April 2, 2018.