Submit News and Work

At the Illinois School of Architecture, we feel that featuring accomplished alumni will foster encouragement and incentive in our current and future students.

Submit News

Submit News

Send us your news, firm updates, retirements to share at

Submit Work Samples

Would you like your work to be considered for featuring on our website? We would be eager to review and include it as encouragement to our students. For consideration, please review and prepare the submission guidelines below.

Required Submission

  • Name and title of individual as it should be displayed
  • A headshot image of the individual
  • Name and location of the firm as it should be displayed
  • 80-120 word statement of how the Illinois School of Architecture has influenced, shaped, or prepared them for their current role
  • 4-6 images of work, minimum 300 dpi and minimum 1280 pixels wide
  • 200-300 word profile of the company/firm

Optional Submission

  • Listing of top 5 key projects: name, location, date
  • 80-120 word statement addressing if you are hiring or or have hired an Illinois graduate:
    • Why you choose to hire Illinois graduates
    • What about the graduates makes them a valuable hire

All submissions or submission questions should be sent via email to

Update your contact info, so we can keep you informed through Illinois School of Architecture newsletters and event invites.

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