The Chicago skyline with St. Regis Chicago, center, the city’s third-tallest building. Photo by Tom Harris, courtesy Studio Gang.
Pathway Overview
Students declaring the Design of Tall Buildings Concentration are required to submit, at the end of their first semester of study and not later than the first day of classes of the second semester, a planned schedule that outlines their coursework for the next three semesters. This plan must be signed by the student and the Advisor and submitted to the Chair of Design of Tall Buildings and the Director of Graduate Studies not later than the second week of classes in the student’s second semester of study.
This Concentration can be completed within the normal time frame of the M.Arch or M.S. degree. The three courses required for the Tall Buildings concentration can overlap with the requirements for the M. Arch program. Students in the MS Architectural Studies may need to take additional courses to meet concentration requirements beyond what is required for their MS degree. Successful completion of the Concentration will be noted on the student’s official transcript.
Learning Outcomes
- Develop broad knowledge of the integrated nature of design and construction of tall buildings.
- Develop more in-depth knowledge on subjects specific to tall buildings including architectural design as well as design of structural, mechanical, lighting, and other building systems.
- Learn the state-of-the-art in materials and methods of construction of tall buildings.
- Learn the state-of-the-art from practitioner guest speakers the latest developments and trends in design and construction of tall buildings.