Building Performance
88 results found for "building-performance"
NewsProjects by Professor Mohamed Boubekri have been featured in several recent publications.
NewsEssays by Tait Johnson and Scott Murray are in press and will be published this summer in Constructing Building Enclosures: Architectural History, Technology and Poetics in the Postwar Era, edited by Clifton Fordham (Routledge, 2020).
NewsCongratulations to Clinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch on being named to the 2020 AIA College of Fellows!
NewsRandy Deutsch has been invited to deliver talks in Barcelona, Nashville, Los Angeles, Boston, and Chicago.
NewsThe work Associate Professor Marci Uihlein is leading to preserve student architectural drawings is featured in a story from the Illinois News Bureau.
NewsClinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch will speak and deliver a mini workshop for the Bridge program on October 15 at the offices of Hartshorne Plunkard Architecture in Chicago.
NewsThe exhibition Revealing Presence: Women in Architecture at the University of Illinois, 1874-2019, part of the Women’s Reunion and Symposium recently held at the School of Architecture, has been called “an exhibition you shouldn’t miss” by the Architect’s Newspaper.
NewsThe Women’s Reunion and Symposium, organized by Marci Uihlein and Sara Bartumeus is featured in a story by the Illinois News Bureau.
NewsRandy Deutsch has been invited to write forewords or chapters for books on managing the design process, professional practice and professionalism, portfolio design, and important emerging technologies.
NewsClinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch, AIA, LEED AP has been invited to present at the Sixth International Technical Symposium on the Applications of BIM Technology in Design, Construction, and Real Estate in Shanghai, China.
NewsAssociate Professor Marci Uihlein will present at the 2019 AIA Conference on Architecture in Las Vegas as part of a team for a half-day workshop called “Architectural Research: Designing Your Research Project.”
NewsClinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch’s foreword and chapter were published this week in Michael LeFevre’s book Managing Design: Conversations, Project Controls, and Best Practices for Commercial Design and Construction Projects (Wiley, 2019).
NewsClinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch has been invited to speak at Design Futures Council events throughout Australia.
NewsProfessor Kathryn Anthony received the 2018-19 Faculty Award for Excellence in Research and Assistant Professor Sudarshan Krishnan received the 2018-19 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching.
NewsClinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch has been invited to give a keynote address at the World Summit on the Digital Built Environment.
NewsAssistant Professor Yun Kyu Yi’s paper has been published in the journal Building and Environment.
NewsProfessor Mohamed Boubekri is featured among an illustrious group of architects, engineers, and researchers from all over the world in an upcoming six-part documentary series on skyscrapers titled Building to the Sky, which is expected to be completed in 2019.
NewsMarci S. Uihlein, P.E., Associate AIA, has been named the executive editor of the journal Technology | Architecture + Design (TAD) for volumes 3 and 4.
NewsAssociate Professor Scott Murray will be an invited speaker at the Facade Tectonics Forum on April 15 at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.
NewsGraduate students Shelby Orr and Logan Whitley had their pavilion selected for exhibition at the 2019 International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures Conference in Barcelona.