Alumni News
87 results found for "alumni-news"
NewsThe Boston Arts Academy Foundation honored Illinois alum Scott Wilson for a Legacy of Achievement in the Visual Arts during the annual BAA Honors celebration on Saturday, May 1, 2021.
NewsThe University of Illinois School of Architecture has formed its first Alumni Advisory Board with ten inaugural members.
NewsThe School of Architecture honors prominent Black architects in the United States, including two graduates of our program: Beverly Greene and Walter T. Bailey.
NewsA summary of recent awards for faculty and students from the ACSA, AIA, ARCC, and CWA.
NewsThe Board of Directors of the Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) announces annual awards in support of recognizing and advancing state-of-the-art research in architecture and related design fields.
NewsVitale accepted two awards for the Columbia College Chicago Student Center.
NewsOn the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the Women’s Reunion + Symposium, we are pleased to release this video of the event and exhibit.
NewsCongratulations to Neal Jones (M.Arch, MBA) on winning the 2020 AIA Western Mountain Region Silver Medal!
NewsKahler Slater, an award-winning international architecture, interior design, environmental branding, and strategic advisory services firm, is opening a Chicago office and Trina Sandschafer, AIA, LEED AP (M.Arch '06) will be leading it.
NewsIt is our pleasure to congratulate our alumnae for being named to Crain’s 2020 Notable Women in Construction and Design.
NewsAlumnus Vladimir Radutny (BSAS ’00, M.Arch ’02) has been featured in Architectural Record’s Design Vanguard 2020. Read the profile.
NewsConnor Chelmecki (BSAS ’15, M.Arch ’17) has won the the 2020 David A. Green Memorial Award from SAGE.
NewsThe exhibition Revealing Presence: Women in Architecture at the University of Illinois, 1874-2019, part of the Women’s Reunion and Symposium recently held at the School of Architecture, has been called “an exhibition you shouldn’t miss” by the Architect’s Newspaper.
NewsThe Women’s Reunion and Symposium, organized by Marci Uihlein and Sara Bartumeus is featured in a story by the Illinois News Bureau.
NewsTrina Sandschafer (’06), design principal at Booth Hansen, is profiled by the News-Gazette in a feature on prominent alumni for the 150th birthday of the University of Illinois.
NewsThe Illinois School of Architecture is saddened to hear of the passing of noted architect César Pelli, FAIA, class of 1954.
NewsMade Yudha (M.Arch ’19) has been selected to receive the 2019 Chicago Committee on High-Rise Buildings Scholarship. Learn more about this recognition.
NewsTwenty-two Marines did not return home following a 2006 to 2007 deployment of the 1st Battalion, 24th Marines (1/24) to AI Anbar Province, Iraq. Twelve years later, a memorial in their honor has been completed and dedicated outside of Chesterfield Township, MI, near the Selfridge Air National Guard Base.
NewsAlumna and former Structures student Michelle Ryland, who is a licensed architect and a licensed structural engineer, was selected to receive the Outstanding Young Engineer Award by the Structural Engineers Association of Illinois.
NewsRelated Midwest and the University of Illinois School of Architecture today announced their partnership on an innovative program that will offer Chicago teens an opportunity to immerse themselves in the architecture and building industries.