Fall (16 hours)
A holistic approach to the introduction of architectural technology. Enabling students to integrate technical material with design, this lecture/lab course addresses building codes, zoning, construction documentation and delivery, digital fabrication, and the impact of energy, sustainability, and environmental forces on building construction, comparing general principles of light frame and heavy construction materials, components, and systems. Students learn how to build virtually and physically, understanding the roles design and construction professionals play on integrated teams.
Two 150-minute meetings (1 class, 1 lab) per week.
Context as a key influence in architectural design. Students expand on the methods of documentation and analysis of social, physical, and ecological factors to formulate design strategies and processes using analog and digital tools.
An introduction to the history of World Architecture, Urbanism, and the built environment from pre-history to the present; in addition to examining the formal properties of global architecture, this course explores buildings and cities in their cultural, social, political, and religious contexts.
Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor.
Provides an introduction to urban and regional planning by examining the history of American urbanization, the evolution of American planning thought and practice, and contemporary issues and planning approaches.
Students must register for one lab-discussion and one lecture section.
Spring (17 hours)
The study of forces, their distribution, and their impact on building structure. Topics include: equilibrium of rigid bodies in two and three dimensions; trusses; shear and bending moments in beams; arches and frames; stresses, strains, and deformations in axially loaded members; direct shear and bearing stresses; torsion; beam stresses and deflections; introduction to the design of structural members; and architectural applications.
Prerequisite: MATH 220 or MATH 221, and MATH 231 or PHYS 101.
Develops understanding of the representation of ideas, values, and meaning in the built environment. Focuses on three topic areas: analysis, technical communication, and modeling. Exposure to multiple software tools and mastery of basic skills in each.
UIUC Course Catalog
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Course guidance for your third year.
Course guidance for your senior year.