Fall (17 hours)

ARCH 473: Advance Design I (6 hours)

Integrates building systems into the architectural design process. Students apply technical aspects, such as structural, environmental, energy, and enclosure systems, as well as qualitative performance parameters related to human experience to a building.

ARCH 41X: Architectural History Elective (3 hours)
ARCH 434: Environmental Control Systems I (5 hours)

Study of the control of thermal, luminous, and sonic environments with an emphasis on passive means of controls. Specific topics include: thermal comfort and behavioral implications; fundamentals of thermal behavior of buildings; the principles of heat and moisture in buildings; lighting fundamentals; light sources; effects of lighting on comfort and performance; energy economy and sustainability; acoustic fundamentals; room acoustics; noise control; basic electrical, plumbing, vertical transportation, and life safety systems.

General Education (3 hours)

Spring (12 hours)

ARCH 474: Advance Design II (6 hours)

Building design that emphasizes the creative process of making, experimentation, and theories of contemporary methods and materials. Projects focus on translating design ideas at multiple scales into reality through computation, representation, or production, utilizing fabrication processes. Outcomes foreground entrepreneurial design thinking and team-based learning.

Electives (6 hours)

Undergraduate Academic Advisors

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