Fall (13-17 hours)
The principles of architectural composition including form, space, and order are introduced. Students explore architectural precedents and design conceptualization. Students will apply two- and three-dimensional analog representation through sketching, drawing, analytical diagramming, and physical modeling.
Introduction to architecture, the architectural profession, and its allied fields emphasizing the value of architecture to society and human behavior. Contemporary problems in architectural design, including an overview of building components and systems, sustainability, urbanism, fabrication, history and preservation, health, and social justice.
First course in calculus and analytic geometry; basic techniques of differentiation and integration with applications including curve sketching; antidifferentation, the Riemann integral, fundamental theorem, exponential and trigonometric functions.
Credit is not given for both MATH 220 and either MATH 221 or MATH 234. Prerequisite: An adequate ALEKS placement score as described at http://math.illinois.edu/ALEKS/, demonstrating knowledge of topics of MATH 115. Students with previous calculus experience should consider MATH 221.
Students must register for one discussion and one lecture section beginning with the same letter in Fall and Spring terms only. Engineering students must obtain a dean’s approval to drop this course after the second week of instruction.
Common Arts experience for FAA first-year students that explores contemporary issues in the arts, cross-disciplinary ingenuity navigating a comprehensive research intensive university, professional practices and exposures to FAA faculty and guest artists through lectures, discussion groups, and online components.
Must register for lecture and one discussion section.
Spring (13-15 hours)
Introduction to the architectural graphic communication skills that architects use to visualize, analyze, and record creative thoughts: freehand sketching, architectural delineation, and digital applications.
Introduction in research-based writing and the construction of academic, argumentative essays that use primary and secondary sources as evidence. This course fulfills the Campus Composition I general education requirement.
Credit is not given for both RHET 105 and any of these other Comp I courses: RHET 101, RHET 102, CMN 111 or CMN 112.
Students whose second language is English should take an English placement test through the Division of English as an International Language, before signing up for rhetoric. Engineering students must obtain a dean’s approval to drop this course after the second week of instruction.
Math 231
Second course in calculus and analytic geometry: techniques of integration, conic sections, polar coordinates, and infinite series.
Prerequisite: MATH 220 or MATH 221.
Students must register for one discussion and one lecture section beginning with the same letter in Fall and Spring terms only. Engineering students must obtain a dean’s approval to drop this course after the second week of instruction.
PHYS 101
Newton’s Laws, work and energy, rotational motion, fluids, thermodynamics, and waves. A noncalculus-based approach for majors in the life sciences, preprofessional health programs, agriculture, and veterinary medicine.
Credit is not given for both PHYS 101 and either PHYS 211 or PHYS 213. Prerequisite: Trigonometry.
For students in the life sciences, pre-professional health programs, agriculture and veterinary medicine. Exams are given in the evening (during fall and spring semesters). Register for a lecture (A) section, a discussion (D) section and a laboratory (L) section.
UIUC Course Catalog
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Course guidance for your second year.
Course guidance for your third year.
Course guidance for your fourth year.