ARCH 373: Architectural Design and the Landscape
Scott Murray (Coordinator), David Emmons, Claire Gaspin, Erik Hemingway, Kennedy Hutson, Tom Loew, Andrew Weiss, Fall 2017
This studio focuses on building in a landscape setting and the creation of place. We interpret the term “landscape” to mean not only the physical land of a site, but also the various natural systems (plants, animals, climate) with which architecture may interact. Therefore, the course deals with a very important aspect of architectural design: how design can enable meaningful interactions between people and the natural environment.
Students completed four projects in this studio course: (1) a Precedent Study of built architectural projects that engage landscape in unique ways; (2) a Sketch Project titled “Creating Space in the Landscape;” (3) a four-week design project for A Visiting Artists’ Retreat at Allerton Park; and (4) a six-week design project for An Interpretive Center at the University of Illinois Arboretum.

Nick Su

Yadi Xie

Shuo Xu

Alexis Halcomb

Mallika Parambi