Faculty News
260 results found for "faculty-news"
NewsAlumnus Altaf Engineer and Professor Kathryn Anthony recently published Shedding New Light on Art Museum Additions: Front Stage and Back Stage Experiences.
NewsRandy Deutsch will be speaking for the second time at the AEC Technology Symposium and Hackathon.
NewsRandy Deutsch signed a contract for Superusers: An Architect’s Guide to Design Technology with Taylor and Francis, his fourth book contract in eight years.
NewsGunnar Birkerts, as the first Plym Distinguished Professor, quickly set the standard for all Plym Professors who followed.
NewsWilliam Worn has been selected by Healthcare Design Magazine for an HCD 10 award. Read more about his accomplishments.
NewsDoctoral student Nastaran Shishegar and Professor Mohamed Boubekri published a paper in the journal Energy and Buildings titled “Quantifying Electrical Energy Savings in Offices through Installing Daylight Responsive Control Systems in Hot Climates.” Access the article.
NewsAssociate Professor Kevin Erickson’s exhibit 5x5 Participatory Provocations has been reviewed in Metropolis. Read the review.
NewsMohamed Boubekri (Co-P.I.) and Kristen Bub (P.I.) from the Department of Educational Psychology were awarded an NIH grant to study the role of daylight exposure in classroom environments on children and teachers’ health, educational functioning, and well-being.
NewsLynne Dearborn has contributed two chapters to Health and Well-Being for Interior Architecture, published by Taylor and Francis.
NewsAssociate Professor Erik Hemingway’s project mies[UPGRADE] in a Mies van der Rohe space in Chicago was recently featured in Blur, a thematic volume of the international architecture and design journal d3:dialog.
NewsClinical Associate Professor Randy Deutsch will speak at the AEC Tech Symposium and Hackathon 2017, which is being held in New York City October 19-22 and is hosted by CORE studio, Thornton Tomasetti’s firm-wide incubator of ideas.
NewsT.F. Tierney has two September speaking engagements in California.
NewsRandy Deutsch will deliver the keynote address at “Re-shaping the Construction Industry,” the international conference of the Italian Society of Science, Technology, and Engineering of Architecture, in Florence, Italy, in September 2017.
NewsArchitect Magazine featured Randy Deutsch’s latest book, Convergence, in an article titled “What Architects Should Know about ‘Convergence.’”
NewsCo-curated by Associate Professor Kevin Erickson, 5x5 Participatory Provocations opened July 11 at the Center for Architecture in New York City and will be on view until October 31, 2017.
NewsAssistant Professor Yun Kyu Yi’s article “Universal Visible Sky Factor: A Method for Calculating the Three-Dimensional Visible Sky Ratio” will be published in the October 2017 issue of Building and Environment.
NewsProfessor Emerita Joy Malnar’s article “The 2015 Chicago Architecture Biennial: The State of Sensory Design” was published in Sensory Arts and Design.
NewsIt is with sadness that we share news that William H. Erwin passed away at home on Sunday, June 4, 2017, at age 75.
NewsProfessor Kathryn Anthony, our longest-serving female faculty member, has just completed her 33rd year at the Illinois School of Architecture and is the author of a new book, 10 years in the making, Defined by Design: The Surprising Power of Hidden Gender, Age, and Body Bias in Everyday Products and Places (Prometheus Books).