About Dr. Aminmansour
Professor Aminmansour is a faculty member in the Structures Concentration. His primary areas of research/scholarship interest include the design of steel and reinforced concrete structures as well as tall buildings.
Research and Scholarship – – Structural Steel Design:
- Member of the Committee on Manuals of the American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC). The Committee is responsible for the contents of AISC’s Steel Construction Manual (AISC Manual), referred to as the bible of the steel construction industry, the Seismic Design Manual, and the two-volume Companions to the AISC Manual.
- Member of Task Committee 2 (Editorial, Economy, Efficiency, & Practical Use) and Task Committee 4 (Member Design) of the AISC Committee on Specifications
- Work adopted by AISC four times and included in the AISC Manual. Table 6-2 of the AISC Manual (referred to as the super-table) used for the design of members subject to axial, shear, flexure, and combined forces is included in the AISC’s Steel Construction Manual (15th ed.) is his most recent work in the AISC Manual
- Work included in the Volume 2: Design Tables of AISC Manual Companion v15
- Received AISC’s Special Achievement Award (2015) for one of his articles that resulted in the addition of a new Part (chapter) to the AISC Manual on the design of members subject to combined forces
- Developing Ready2Steel, a suite of cloud-based resources for structural steel design including an integrated and comprehensive textbook; powerful and flexible calculator for interactive design of structural steel and composite members; complete solutions of member designs with charts, tables, and formulas that can be saved and/or printed and is fully integrated with the latest AISC Specification
Research and Scholarship – – Design of Tall Buildings:
- Current member and past Chair of the Chicago Committee on High Rise Buildings (CCHRB)
- Member of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH)
- 2022 Fellow of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH)
- Member of the Editorial Board of CTBUH’s International Journal of High-Rise Buildings
- Member of the Leaders Gorp of CTBUH
- Member of the Mentoring group of CTBUH
- Member of the jury for CTBUH’s 2019 international tall building design competitions
- Interviewed for a television documentary called Skyscrapers: Engineering the Future which aired on the Science Channel in the United States (2018). The program aired on, among other networks, the Discovery Channel in the US and globally by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).
- Invited author, Tall Building Sustainability chapter in the Encyclopedia of Sustainable Development published by Springer Nature
- Multiple invited presentations including conference keynote/plenary speaker
Dr. Aminmansour was selected as one of four international team leaders by world-renowned artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude to develop a preliminary structural design for their Mastaba project. Professor Mir Ali collaborated with Professor Aminmansour.
Professor Aminmansour is a Fellow (2005-06) of the Academic Leadership Program of the Big Ten Academic Alliance (BTAA). Per BTAA’s website, “Established in 1989, this intensive experience develops the leadership and managerial skills of faculty who have demonstrated exceptional ability and academic promise.”
Membership in Technical and Professional Organizations:
- American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC)
- Chicago Committee on High Rise Buildings (CCHRB)
- Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH)
- Structural Engineering Association of Illinois (SEAOI)
- Sustainability Research + Innovation (SRI)
- Future Earth
For list of academic service activities, click here.

Prof. Aminmansour was featured in a six-part television series called Skyscrapers: Engineering the Future. Program was aired on Discovery, Science Channel in the US as well as BBC and other networks in several other countries (photo from Discovery Channel)

Prof. Aminmansour presenting a proposed preliminary structural design for Mastaba to world-renown artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude in their New York office

Dr. Aminmansour is currently developing Ready2Steel, a suite of web-based resources for structural steel design including an integrated and comprehensive textbook and calculator for design of structural steel and composite members

Table 6-1 (referred to as the super table) of the Steel Construction Manual published by the American Institute of Steel Construction developed by Dr. Aminmansour (image copyright AISC).

Professor Aminmansour is honored to have been invited to speak at the 2019 Illinois chapter symposium of the National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS)

One of Dr. Aminmansour’s hobbies is photography of architectural sites
- Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering (structures), Pennsylvania State University
- M.S., Architectural Engineering (Structures Option), Pennsylvania State University
- M.A., Applied Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University
- B.A., Mathematics, Kansas State University
Teaching and advising
Classes taught
- ARCH 232: Structural Fundamentals
- ARCH 433: Design of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures I
- ARCH 550: Design of Steel and Reinforced Concrete Structures II
- ARCH 554: Advanced Steel Design
- ARCH 558: Structural Wood Design
- ARCH 538: Integrative Design of Buildings (formerly ARCH 595IN, Integrated Design and Construction of Buildings)