ARCH 571: Energy Efficient Living
Graduate Design Studio
Mark Taylor, Fall 2018
This studio considers the design and construction of an energy efficient way of living.
The first half of the semester focused on the requirements of the 2020 Solar Decathlon competition, with a particular focus on the Market Potential and Architecture contests within the competition. In the second half of the semester, students took their initial propositions and reimagined them through the lens of the statement Professor Emeritus A. Richard Williams wrote as a prelude to the Archon Prize: “All of my life I have dreamed of the essence of dwelling not just for oneself, but for all humanity – to dwell in a garden, or in a grove, or on a hill, water’s edge, or in an open space, all with a view, near or far, simply, humbly, poetically like Thoreau or Walden Pond, joining as well in the joy, pride and well-being of community life.”

Dua Barakat and Tehreem Un Nisa

Alexander Brosh and Shannon Fitzgerald

Alexander Brosh and Shannon Fitzgerald

Alexander Brosh and Shannon Fitzgerald

Luis Felipe Flores Garzon and Marilia Gomes de sa Ribeiro

Luis Felipe Flores Garzon and Marilia Gomes de sa Ribeiro

Luis Felipe Flores Garzon and Marilia Gomes de sa Ribeiro