Spring 2021 Courses

Spring 2021 Studios


ARCH 571 (E3), David Chasco

The ARCHON studio is a graduate studio awarding the Archon Prize for a 1000 sq. ft. “Essential House.”

Historic Preservation Design Studio: AirBnB [HP]

ARCH 571 (E2), Paul Hardin Kapp 

In this design studio, students will design a rehabilitation and an addition to the I.C. Fowler House in Bristol, Virginia. Built in 1867, this Greek Revival residence is a contributing resource to the Virginia Hill National Historic District. It has the potential of providing three income producing bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and an entertainment room. Another two bedrooms, a catering kitchen, a dining room, and an outdoor terrace will be placed in the proposed addition.

Students will learn the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic Preservation and Rehabilitation, traditional architecture, and light frame construction in this design studio.

I-House 1: A Design/Build Studio

ARCH 571 (E1), Tom Loew

Fall of 2020 marks the advent of the I-House Design/Build Initiative on the University of Illinois Architectural campus. The I-House Design-Build Initiative affords graduate students in the School of Architecture the opportunity of exploring design process as it directly relates to both the practice of custom design, as well as to the fabrication of the given I House studio project.

Community: Redefining Amenity Rich Housing

ARCH 572, Christina Bollo and Trina Sandschafer 

In this graduate studio students will design a multifamily housing building in the city of Chicago. The project will feature 100-200 units with amenity rich programming. The focus of the studio will be exploring the shift in housing amenities in response to health, wellness, economic, and social concerns. Studio projects will propose new directions for how amenities build community within multi-family buildings and their neighborhoods.

A Community Internet Center

ARCH 573 (E1), Scott Murray 

The project for this studio is to design a Community Internet Center: a public facility that provides local community members of all ages with easy access to digital resources, including the internet and computer hardware and software, offering educational, economic, and recreational opportunities for the local community. The building will serve as information infrastructure, with a program including classrooms, meeting spaces, tutoring spaces, offices, study carrels, and informal Wi-Fi lounges and gathering spaces, both interior and exterior. Given the intensity of electricity usage in such a facility, projects will incorporate building-integrated photovoltaic systems to offset building operational energy and reduce the overall carbon footprint.

Oliver Winery Cellar

ARCH 573 (E2), Ralph Hammann 

La Salut [Dry] Stream

ARCH 574 (E1), Sara Bartumeus Ferre 

This studio redesigns the relationship between Colloserola Natural Park and Llobregat River following the natural stream of La Salut through the town of Sant Feliu, Spain.

The Tokyo Studio

ARCH 574 (E2), Botond Bognar 

In the Tokyo Urban Studio, you will work on two sites across a main road next to the Station plaza in Shibuya, one of the busiest centers in this metropolis.

The Chicago Studio

ARCH 574 (E3), Kevin Hinders

The Chicago Studio will be undertaking an urban design project and architecture projects located in Woodlawn, Ward 20, Chicago. Students will create an urban design proposal based upon the 2020 Consolidated Plan, produced by the Chicago Department of Planning, and then create teams to resolve specific sites and issues in the plan.

The Plym Studio: analog

ARCH 574 (E4), Mark Raymond 

This project will investigate the idea of the analogue in architecture and how this idea might be understood to operate in both our individual and collective practice of architecture. The word analog (US) or analogue (En.) derives from the Greek word analōg meaning ‘proportionate’ or ‘in relation to’. Contemporary applications of the word reflect the idea of ‘something existing in relation to another’ or ‘the opposite of digital.’

Spring 2021 Electives

Rome, City of Visible History

ARCH 407, Heather Grossman 

This course considers the city of Rome from its foundation until today, using critical strategies for understanding urban environments as well as individual monuments.

Architectural Drawing Machines

ARCH 576, Aaron Brakke 

This graduate seminar examines the role of machines as tools for architectural design, drawing, and fabrication.

Climate Design

ARCH 576, Ralph Hammann

The course introduces sustainable concepts for building enclosure design in various climate regions.

Furniture Design Workshop

ARCH 576, Carl Lewis and Lowell Miller

In this fabrication workshop, students will gain proficiency in the use of hand and power tools used in making fine furniture. They will gain a deeper understanding of material properties and will explore the implications of material choice in the design process.

Architecture and Identity

ARCH 591HG, Heather Grossman

This new seminar explores ‘building identity’ – the relationships between the designed environment and personal and group identities. We will dissect theoretical and conceptual texts from multiple disciplines on the subject of identity, and examine architectural and design case studies from around the world to understand the roles of architecture in shaping identity within both distinct moments and across time.

Urban ZED

ARCH 592, John Stallmeyer 

This seminar seeks to re-center the z-axis as critical to our understanding and occupation of urban space. Through case study analysis, students will investigate the Urban Zed in an effort to understand the spatial variability of urban public spaces and how the z-axis is integral to the experience of urban space.

Building Energy Simulation

ARCH 594, Rick Strand 

This course will focus on learning one energy simulation program and how to use it effectively to model building energy performance.

Architecture, Cinema, Environment and Behavior

ARCH 596, Kathryn Anthony

How are architecture, architects, and designers portrayed in cinema? In what ways do built environments portrayed in cinema influence characters’ behaviors and reflect their personalities? Which architects and designers have made their careers in the film industry and how did they navigate their careers? This seminar addresses these issues and more.

Case Studies in Healthy Housing

ARCH 596, Lynne Dearborn 

The seminar will expand students’ knowledge of healthy housing, and research ethics and techniques. Students will be expected to actively engage in skill-building around human-subjects research in architecture, interviewing and guided case study development, and to apply these skills within a team-based case-study research project investigating cases in six states where policies encourage development of healthy affordable housing.

Spring 2021 Full Course Listing

Table of Spring 2021 classes

Number Title Faculty Credits
ARCH 172/482 Drawing and Modeling Brakke, A. 1-3
ARCH 199 Undergraduate Open Seminar Varies 1-5
ARCH 232 Structural Fundamentals Uihlein, M. 4
ARCH 274/484 Representation Yi, Y., Melgarejo de Berry, A. 1-4
ARCH 314/LA 314 History of World Landscapes (Undergraduate) Rhee, P. 4
ARCH 372 Designing for Human Wellbeing Barinas-Uribe, M., Bliss, A., Dearborn, L., Deutsch, R., Lewis, C., Nuding, A., Swiatek, H. 6
ARCH 400 Senior Honors in Architecture: Independent Study Varies 1-4
ARCH 401 Independent Study Varies 0-4
ARCH 407 Rome: City of Visible History Grossman, H. 3
ARCH 416 The Architecture of the United States, c.1650 to Present Johnson, T. 3
ARCH 435 Structural Systems and Construction Methods Krishnan, S. 4
ARCH 472 Architectural Design in Landscape and Cities Armstrong, P. 6
ARCH 474 Architectural Design and Making Erickson, K., Hemingway, E., Melgarejo de Berry, A., Staback Rodriguez, D. 6
ARCH 491 Architecture Professional Internship Lewis, C. 0
ARCH 501 Architectural Practice Deutsch, R. 3
ARCH 510/LA 513 History of World Landscapes (Graduate) Rhee, P. 4
ARCH 517 Modern Architectural History, 1850-Present Bross, B. 3
ARCH 537 Environmental Control Systems II Strand, R. 4
ARCH 557 Seismic Analysis and Design Varies 3
ARCH 558 Structural Wood Design Aminmansour, A. 3
ARCH 560 Advanced Structural Analysis Krishnan, S. 3
ARCH 563 Social and Behavioral Research for the Designed Environment Bliss, A. 4
ARCH 571 Design: Detail and Architectonics Chasco, D., Kapp, P., Loew, T. 6
ARCH 572 Design: Behavior and Environment Sandschafer, T. 6
ARCH 573 Design: Technology and Performance Hammann, R., Murray, S. 6
ARCH 574 Design: Architecture and Urban Design Bartumeus Ferre, S., Bognar, B., Hinders, K. 6
ARCH 576 Architectural Design Seminar: Architectural Drawing Machines Brakke, A. 3
ARCH 576 Architectural Design Seminar: Climate Design Hammann, R. 3
ARCH 576 Architectural Design Seminar: [architecture] IN THE AGE OF [digital] REPRODUCTION Hemingway, E. 3
ARCH 576 Architectural Design Seminar: Urban Design and Morphology Hinders, K. 3
ARCH 576 Architectural Design Seminar: Urban Matters--Thresholds Bartumeus Ferre, S. 3
ARCH 576 Architectural Design Seminar Lewis, C. 3
ARCH 590 Directed Research Varies 0-8
ARCH 591HG Architecture and Identity Grossman, H. 3-4
ARCH 591 Special Problems in Architectural History and Theory: Independent Study Stallmeyer, J. 3-4
ARCH 592 Special Problems in Urbanism Stallmeyer, J. 2-4
ARCH 593 Special Problems in Detail and Fabrication: Design and Construction Futures Johnson, T. 2-4
ARCH 594 Special Problems in Building Performance: Building Energy Simulation Strand, R. 2-4
ARCH 595 Special Problems in Structures Theory and Design: Integrated Design and Construction of Buildings Aminmansour, A. 2-4
ARCH 596 Special Problems in Health and Wellbeing: Architecture, Cinema, Environment & Behavior Anthony, K. 2-4
ARCH 597 Special Problems in Architectural Design: Independent Study Varies 2-4
ARCH 599 Thesis Research Varies 0-16
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