About Dr. Bross
About Dr. Benjamin A. Bross
Benjamin A. Bross’s research focuses on placemaking, which is the way that spatial production processes generate unique spaces that embody a location’s physical conditions, sociocultural practices, collective memory, and economic activities. His research lens combines architecture, urbanism, material culture (an anthropological discipline that studies objects, their use, and properties), phenomenology (the study of human experience) and essentialism philosophy to examine the spatial qualities. His first book, Mexico City’s Zócalo: A History of a Constructed Spatial Identity (Routledge, UK 2021) examines the evolution of Mexico City’s most important public space. He then co-authored The University of Illinois Memorial Stadium: The First 100 Years (Routledge, UK 2024) documenting the historical significance and social, economic and political impact of these built environments.
His recent honors include the Israel Institute’s Faculty Development Grant (2024), the Levenick iSEE Teaching Sustainability Fellowship (UIUC, 2022-23), the Scott Opler Emergent Scholar Award (Society of Architectural Historians, 2021), the Common Ground Network Emergent Scholar Award (2021), and the Illinois Distinguished Postdoctoral Research Associate appointment (UIUC, 2017-18). Benjamin is a practicing urbanist and licensed architect who has worked professionally for over 30 years in the design, construction, and development of over 75 projects in eight countries across three continents.
- PhD, History, Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico (2016)
- Master of Urban Design, University of California, Berkeley (2006)
- Master of Architecture, Harvard University Graduate School of Design (2001)
- Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, University of California, Berkeley (1996)
Research and publications
Selected publications
Hinders, Kevin J. and Bross, Benjamin A. (Foreword by Josh Whitman and Introduction by Francisco J. Rodríguez-Suárez). The University of Illinois Memorial Stadium: The First 100 Years. (London UK, Routledge).
Bross, Benjamin A. Mexico City’s Zócalo: A History of a Constructed Spatial Identity. (London, UK. Routledge. December 2021), 255pp.
Bross, Benjamin A. “Defining Urban and Rural.” The International Journal of Architectonic, Spatial, and Environmental Design, 18 (2): 143-165. July 2024. http://doi:10.18848/2325-1662/CGP/v18i02/143-165
Bross, Benjamin. A. “Embodied Contradictions and Post-Industrial Built Environments: From Miner Hospital to Museum of Labor Medicine in Real Del Monte, Mexico.” Enquiry, The ARCC Journal for Architectural Research, Vol. 20, No. 1, Aug. 2023, pp.20-40, http://doi:10.17831/enqarcc.v20i1.1186.
Bross, Benjamin A, and Aparajita Santra. “Applying Game Theory to Explain Informal Settlements,” The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Global Studies, Rafal Soborski Editor. ISSN: 2324-755X (Print), ISSN: 2324-7568 (Online). Volume 19, Issue 1, 2023, pp.17-41. https://doi.org/10.18848/2324-755X/CGP/v19i01/17-41
Bross, Benjamin A. “Urban Synecdoche and the Disappearing City,” Online Journal of Art and Design, Fahme Dabaj, Editor. Volume 10, Issue 4 (October 2022), online. ISSN: 2301-2501. http://adjournal.net/articles/104/1048.pdf
Bross, Benjamin A. “Energy Investment, Burden Distance and Phenomenology of Place,” Environment, Space and Place, International Association for the Study of Environment, Space, and Place (IASESP). Troy R.E. Paddock, Editor. Volume 13, Issue 2, 2021 University of Minnesota Press (March 2022), pp.93-128.
Bross, Benjamin A. “Essentialism and Spatial (Re)production” Architecture Philosophy, Tom Spector Editor. Open Journal Systems, Volume 5, Number 2 (November 2021), pp.9-32.
Bross, Benjamin A. “Museo de Medicina Laboral: Curated Conflux of Modern Identities,” SAH 2022 Annual International Conference, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Bross, Benjamin A. “Spatial History and Identity in Tripartite Sustainable Development: The Mining Town of El Triunfo, Baja California Sur,” The Twelfth International Conference on The Constructed Environment: Constructing New Environments for Living, Work and Play. Universidad de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico (April 28-29, 2022).
Bross, Benjamin A. “The Taxonomy of Spatial Typologies: A proposal for an Analytical Language” 108th ACSA Conference. San Diego, California 2020.
Bross, Benjamin A. “Theseus’ Paradox: History, Authenticity, and Identity” International Conf. Future Praxis: Applied Research as a Bridge Between Theory and Practice, ARCC. In: C. Jarrett, P. Plowright, H. Rashed-Ali (ed.s),University, Toronto, ON, Canada. May 29-June 1 (2019). pp. 128-137
Bross, Benjamin A. “Mediatic Surfaces: Shaping Urban Environments.” Critical Practice in an Age of Complexity. AMPS Proceedings Series 12. In: J. Bean, S. Dickinson, A. Ida (ed.s), University of Arizona, Arizona, USA. 22 – 23 February (2018). pp. 96-103.
Bross, Benjamin A. “The Good Governance of Mexico City’s Zócalo: A Recent History of Spatial Use and Morphological Transformations.” Happiness. The Built Environment: Shaping the Quality of Life. ARCC-EAAE International Conf. Proceedings. In: K. Wingert-Playdon, H. Rashed-Ali (eds.), Volume 1. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA (2018). pp. 379-387.
Teaching and advising
Classes taught
Graduate Courses:
- ARCH 517 Contemporary Architecture and Urbanism History, 1850-present.
- ARCH 576 Authenticity and Design: Placemaking in the Era of Globalization.
- ARCH 576 Globalization and the Urban Environments of the Global South.
- ARCH 576 Spatial Practice of Placemaking
- ARCH 592 Survey of Latin American Urbanism history.
- ARCH 592 Globalization and Contemporary Urban Environments.
Undergraduate Courses:
- ARCH 371 Core Urbanism Studio.
- ARCH 372 Core Health and Wellbeing Studio focused on housing.
- ARCH 237 General Education course focused on Urban and Regional Scale Sustainability.