Alpha Rho Chi
Alpha Rho Chi is a national co-educational fraternity that caters to students in architecture and the allied arts. This professional/social organization was founded in 1914 through the joint effort of students at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. The Illinois Anthemios chapter is one of the strongest of the 32 active chapters. With an expanding membership and devoted active members, the chapter and chapter house are experiencing constant improvement and renovation.
The chapter house, which appears on the National Register of Historic Places, represents the ideals of the Arts and Crafts movement. Built between 1927 and 1931 by Joseph William Royer, it is modeled after the famous Red House in Bexley Heath, England. The exterior is ornamented with various colors and textures of brick, and the clay roofing tiles strengthen the house’s handcrafted theme.
The chapter holds a variety of programs, ranging from lectures and art shows to design critiques, as well as many social functions.
If you are interested or have any questions, please email joinapx@gmail.com or fill out the interest form here.
2024-2025 APX Board
- Worthy Architect: Adam Lupatkin
- UIUC email: adamsl2@illinois.edu
- APX email: wa.anthemios@gmail.com
- Worthy Associate Architect: Gerardo Alvidrez
- UIUC email: galvi2@illinois.edu
- APX email: waa.anthemios@gmail.com
- Worthy Estimator: Kendall Rusch
- UIUC email: rusch2@illinois.edu
- APX email: we.anthemios@gmail.com
- Worthy Scribe: Anna Creech
- UIUC email: acreech2@illinois.edu
- APX email: wscribe.anthemios@gmail.com
- Worthy Clerk: Katherine Georgitsos
- UIUC email: kgeor6@illinois.edu
- APX email: wc.anthemios@gmail.com
- Worthy Pledge Trainers: Gianna Hill & Emma Jia
- UIUC emails: gghill2@illinois.edu & ejia2@illinois.edu
- APX email: wpt.anthemios@gmail.com
- Worthy Formal Superintendent: Sophi Guerrettaz
- UIUC email: smg11@illinois.edu
- APX email: anthemiosritualdirector@gmail.com

American Institute of Architecture Students
The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is a national organization that represents student opinions on the Boards of Directors of the American Institute of Architects, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, the National Architectural Accrediting Board, and various other organizations involved with the discipline and profession of Architecture. Being a national member of AIA and AIAS is common among architects nationwide.
The University of Illinois chapter of AIAS regularly holds T-shirt design contests, portfolio workshops, social events, study groups, a Chicago firm crawl, and more. There are numerous competitions, scholarship opportunities, fellowship opportunities, and job opportunities exclusively available to AIAS students.
If you have any questions or are interested, please send an email to uiuc@aias.org.
2024-2025 AIAS Board
- President: Beni Lawson
- Vice-President: Karen Solorio
- Treasurer: Winnie Nevis
- Secretary/Membership Director: Manisha Tadepally
- Marketing Director/Social Media Manager: Rithikka Jeyaprakash

American Institute of Steel Construction
The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) is a not-for-profit technical institute and trade association for the use of structural steel in the construction industry of the United States.
The AISC Student Club regularly hosts meetings, events, and field trips to further its members’ knowledge of steel construction. AISC student members receive the benefits of tutoring sessions, guest lectures, and site visits. Our club is open to any students, regardless of their major, and we strive to have a diverse group of members whether they be architecture students, engineering students, or industrial design students.
Please contact us for more information.
ARCHChina was established as a platform to advance education and professional networking as well as to provide the career guidance for the community of Chinese Architecture and Landscape Architecture students at large. The primary goal of the organization is to help Chinese students become better involved in the University’ s environment and to attend school activities. The organization is also a gateway for Chinese students to learn and be part of other Architecture Student Organizations.
ARCHChina is welcoming all students who are interested in Chinese history, culture, and architecture. The organization holds culture communication events, an annual studio tour, software program tutorials, and an art supply used market.
Architecture Student Advisory Council
The Architecture Student Advisory Council (ASAC) exists to improve communication between the students, staff, faculty, and administration of the school. ASAC provides a forum for discussion of a wide range of issues. ASAC conducts student activities, organizes student actions, solicits student opinions, and makes recommendations to the administration. ASAC executive officers play an advisory role to the administration.
ASAC solicits student opinions about faculty excellence through their annual Excellence In Teaching awards program; these awards are presented at the Annual Architecture Awards (A3).
2024-2025 ASAC Board
- Graduate Representative: Michael Cachur
- Senior Representatives: Beni Lawson and Daniel Bogdal
- Junior Representatives: Emilie Cooper and Jake Chi (Barcelona) and Adam Lupatkin (Campus)
- Sophomore Representatives: Camille Rose and Jasmine Davis
- Freshmen Representatives: Katja Siebrits and Emily Do

Architecture Student Ambassadors
The Architecture Student Ambassadors program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) serves as a vital link between the School of Architecture and prospective and newly admitted students. This program provides an immersive experience, offering a comprehensive glimpse into the academic and social aspects of life at UIUC’s College of Fine and Applied Arts. Ambassadors lead detailed campus tours, hold Q&A sessions, conduct workshops, and participate in university events to highlight the strengths and opportunities within the architecture program. They also act as mentors, providing support and guidance to new students as they transition into university life.
A standout feature of the program is the Letter Writing Campaign, where ambassadors write personalized letters to admitted students, expressing excitement about their acceptance, and offering a warm welcome. These letters also encourage new students to reach out with any questions, fostering a sense of belonging even before they arrive on campus. By creating a welcoming and informative environment, the Architecture Student Ambassadors play a crucial role in attracting and encouraging prospective students to choose UIUC for their architectural education. Their efforts significantly influence students’ decisions to join the university, contributing to the overall growth and diversity of the architecture program
Please use this link for any questions, such as joining:
2024-2025 Student Ambassadors:
- Co-Presidents: Deonante Sutton and Ritika Adhikari
- Secretary: Adam Lupatkin

Construction Management Association of America
Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) encourages the development of a professional connections between architecture and civil engineering students who are interested in learning more about construction management. One of the main goals is to help students gain realistic vision about their future professional careers and the challenges and opportunities they would face as construction managers.
Gargoyle Architecture Honor Society
Founded in 1918, the University of Illinois chapter of the national Gargoyle Architecture Honor Society is an academically elite group of Architecture students and faculty who have demonstrated an uncommon degree of scholarship and excellence in their everyday activities. Gargoyle recognizes academic excellence and proficiency in Architecture and promotes an attitude of responsibility, professionalism, and service. Although membership is by invitation only, Gargoyle sponsors and encourages activities that promote and reflect the ideals of the organization throughout the school.
If you are interested or have any questions, please email gargoyleuiuc@gmail.com
2024-2025 Gargoyle Board
- President: Alex Montanile
- Vice President: Deonante Sutton
- Treasurer: Jenna Lin
- Public Relations Manager: Paige Zolnierek
- Secretary: Samantha Meyers
Global Architecture Brigades
Global Architecture Brigades (GAB) designs and constructs socially responsible and sustainable architecture solutions in developing nations. A think tank design approach that utilizes extensive community dialogue and independent research to create efficient, appropriate, and elegant structures to be embraced and utilized by the communities we serve.
Hispanic Organization of Urban Studies and the Environment
HOUSE is a Hispanic and Afro-Latinx involvement in the development of environmental professionals in the fields of Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urban Planning and the Arts, and acts as a support network that helps students with their day to day academic challenges and addresses ways that students can play a role as future professionals.
Interested in joining?! Click here!
Instagram: @house_uiuc
Email us at: houseuiuc2018@gmail.com
2024-2025 HOUSE Board
- President: Gabriela Ramos-Avila
- Vice-President: Edward Medina
- Treasurer: Nikolai Kovac
- Secretary: Johanna Gonzalez
- Social Media/Social Affairs Director: Marlen Cuevas
- LCASO Representative/Membership Director: Andrea Nava

The National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS)
NOMAS is dedicated to racial and cultural pluralism in the architecture profession. NOMAS is an academic, professional, and service organization that seeks to provide the collective voice of minority architecture students within the school by building a sense of community based on shared experiences unique to minority students. Through strong leadership, service, and networking with minority professionals, NOMAS serves as an anchor for the accomplishments of minority students.
The Illinois chapter was founded in 1978 by Ernest Clay. As a Project 500 student at Illinois in the mid-1960s, Clay was one of the first African-American students to enroll in the school, and he later became an accomplished architect and professor. It is on this spirit of accomplishment that the proud tradition of NOMAS seeks to build its foundation.
Please contact us for questions regarding joining, events or more at nomas.illinois@gmail.com
2024-2025 NOMAS Board
- President: Beni Lawson
- Vice President: Naomi Rugutt
- Secretary: Angel Opare-Ameyaw
- Event Coordinator/Marketing Director: Eilleen Nigos
- Treasurer: Erika Leon Aguilera

Rho Epsilon
Rho Epsilon is the Student Real Estate Association at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Encouraging a multi-disciplinary connection between students from Architecture, Business, and Civil Engineering. It provides students with weekly events with guest speakers from the Midwest who are in the Real Estate industry, as well as social events, networking events and scholarship opportunities. Founded in 1954, the University of Illinois Rho Epsilon Chapter has approximately 1,800 alumni who are actively involved with the organization.
Root to Roof
Root to Roof is a student-led design-build organization serving the broader community. Our mission is to engage future architects to think critically about locally harvested lumber, hand-crafting, and the principles of sustainability through active project planning and participation. The impact includes: 1) Providing students with tangible experience and encouraging civic engagement; 2) Using the power of design and craft to create solutions for community needs. The organization will start with small-scale intervention projects. Root to Roof eventually aims to create quality, energy efficient large-scale solutions to solve for issues of homelessness and poverty in the local area.
2024-2025 Root to Roof Board
- President: Owen Smyth
- Vice President: William Rosado
- Secretary: Ava Unverzagt
- Woodshop/ Membership Coordinator: Addie Alkhas
- Treasurer: Paige Zolnierek
- Faculty Advisor: Lowell Miller
Instagram: @roottoroof_
Website: roottoroof.com
Get Involved – https://illinois.campuslabs.com/engage/organization/roottoroof
Society for Evidence-Based Architecture
Society for Evidence-Based Architecture (SEBA) is an interdisciplinary student organization at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that brings together groups of students, faculty and professionals who are committed to enhance human health and well-being through design of the built environment.
SEBA aims to work closely with faculty and industry experts in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban and regional planning, community health, and environmental engineering and will organize lectures, portfolio reviews, facility tours, and social gatherings events for its members. Moreover, SEBA provides information regarding the Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC) exam, and helps students to become EDAC-certified individuals.
Society of Architectural Historians
The Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Illinois chapter, founded in 1984, encourages scholarly research in the field and promotes the preservation of significant architectural monuments. The student chapter encourages the study of architectural history and preservation through lectures, discussions, field trips, and workshops.
Society for Business and Management in Architecture
The primary goal of the Society for Business and Management in Architecture (SBMA) is to inform and educate architecture students about the vast array of opportunities available to them in the fields of firm management, real estate, construction management, development, and law. To accomplish this goal, SBMA bridges the gap between architecture and business, enabling architecture students to develop into future business leaders. SBMA introduces architecture students to the business world, providing information about professional and corporate environments. SBMA provides a forum for collaboration and networking through a regular series of events involving successful professionals and the student body.
Every student will eventually interact with the business world. A sound understanding of business principles is becoming increasingly necessary for future architects, especially those who aspire to own or manage their own firm. An architectural education also provides a good foundation for careers in real estate, construction management, and development. The University of Illinois offers outstanding programs in both architecture and business; SBMA brings the resources of these programs together to provide valuable knowledge to its members. Several members of SBMA participate in the three-year M.Arch/MBA program. SBMA advocates a new approach to the architecture profession: uniting solid design judgment with savvy business expertise.
2024-2025 SBMA Board
- President – Emily Mair
- Vice President – Addie Alkhas
- Treasurer – Esha Pillai
- Graphic Design Chair – Erin Nibeck
- Graphic Design Committee – Kathryn Bevan
- Philanthropy Chair – Maya Loewenthal
- Philanthropy Committee – Riley Vernon, Pushpanjli Mehra
- Events and Outreach Chair – Minal Sarkar
- Events and Outreach Committee – Nathan Blaim
- Lecture Coordinator – Noemi Marchan
- Board Members – Sam Baker, Julia Davis
Solar Decathlon
Solar Decathlon Illinois RSO (registered student organization) is a multi-disciplinary organization that formed after the University’s involvement in three past Solar Decathlon competitions. Starting in 2002, the US Department of Energy sponsors a biannual competition where twenty Universities from around the world design and construct an innovative and efficient net-zero home. They are transported to a central location and over the course of a week the homes are judged in ten different criteria including energy balance, architecture, communications, and market appeal to name a few.
The RSO works to recruit future team members, maintain sponsor relations, and help maintain the three past homes that are near campus. We work to educate the campus and community about the importance of sustainable energy efficient homes and hope to provide a strong foundation for future Illinois Decathlon teams. New members are always welcome and there are many opportunities for involvement including working on past homes, marketing efforts, or even being part of the next design team. Contact uiucsolardecathlon@gmail.com with questions or requests for information.
2024-2025 Solar Decathlon Board
- President: Eshana Jain
- Vice President: Karina Jang
- Treasurer: Gabriel Villanueva
- Communications Director: Aarya Patel
- Sponsorship Director: Lizet Alvarez
- Sponsorship Deputy: Aditi Chockalingham
- Marketing Director: Jisu Hong
- Social Chair: Benny Winer
Women in Architecture
The mission of Women in Architecture (WIA) is to cultivate and promote the development and leadership of women design professionals by providing a forum for empowering, networking, and mentoring to enhance the architectural community. Though we are a student organization, we also connect with the larger organization in Chicago to present different networking opportunities with working professionals. For more information on the Chicago organization, check out their website.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in joining our organization.
If you have any questions about WIA at UIUC, feel free to reach out to us at wia.illinois@gmail.com.
2024-2025 WIA Board
- Co-Presidents: Sunaina Isaac & Lauren Howe
- Vice President: Josie Hale
- Treasurer: Annika Padruitt
- Event Coordinator: Grace Lugo
- Marketing & Social Coordinator: Jasmine Davis